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Sunday, January 6, 2008

MLM 2008 by Dale Calvert

Here's what I believe is a winner book written by Dale Calvert, a successful networker who brought in over one-hundred million dollars throughout his career.

I just purchased this book and already read from cover-to-cover (66 pages). You can click here to get your own copy of this book. For seasoned networkers or for those of you who are starting out, this should be one of the books you should have.

This book does what Dale Calvert intended to tell you and he tells you as it is, whether you like it or not. What he does is give you an insight what network marketing in 2008 will look like.

Many MLM Heavy Hitters consult with Dale on a regular basis and feel that he has always had an uncanny insight into the Network Marketing Industry. If you want to know the most effective ways to build within any marketing environment, the experts say Dale is the guy to ask. His 27 year track record of success in the network marketing industry speaks for itself.
His new book is full of principals, ideas, and concepts that I believe will help us make more money and build our organizations quicker and faster.

I recommend that you download it and read it now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can read more great articles written by Dale Calvert on