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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Using Craigslist To Get A High Google Ranking

I want to share what I've been doing lately using a slick method in marketing the services I offer, but this should work with any product you're marketing.

In the industry I'm working with, the region I market the services I offer has an impact in whether your customer will buy your services or keep them or not.

This is a technique that you cannot afford not to know because no one will buy your service if a provider or support for that service does not live in your local area. It doesn't matter what you're marketing, whether it's weight loss management, computer services, or discounted services.

This is a new technique I learned from people who authored this course and you can find it on the link at the bottom of this page. Before I started using this technique to market my service with Google AdWords, I used to hit one particular keyword and had it set 50 cents a click. However that keyword is almost impossible to get a #1 ranking unless you pay $5 to $10 per click. Well nobody has that kind of money to spend and I admit that I don't want to spend that amount. Even at 50 cents, my Google AdWords bill is at $150 a month and that can really wipe up your bank account. In addition, the impressions I'm getting is too high and it has an impact on your click through rate, thus keeping your AdWords pay per click high.

  • Impressions - that's the number of times your AdWords ad appears
  • Click Through Rate (CTR) number of clicks in your Adwords Ad divided by the number of impressions.
Well if you're not getting the return that you wanted with your AdWords campaign paying $150 a month, it won't be acceptable for any home-based business owner, unless that campaign is producing much more sales than what you paid for.

Well how are you going to be able to get your business to be building on a budget? You only have $50 to spend per month advertising your business and you want to make sure your campaign is more effective.

How do you do it? First of all, you need to understand that people who search on Google or Yahoo are interested on the search results - the left side of the results, instead of the sponsored links. That would be a challenging task, isn't it? Well here's what I did.

  • I created a web page about the service I sell. For example let's say I sell jolly jumpers services. I want to limit my area to the Los Angeles area. I use "jolly jumpers los angeles" (or you can use "jolly jumpers in LA") as the keyword and I made sure that the landing page has the keyword "jolly jumpers los angeles" in the content.
  • I also made sure that I put "Jolly Jumpers Los Angeles" between the title tags of my web page - your html file.
  • In addition, I also put inside the meta tags the description of the page such as "Jolly Jumpers Los Angeles" (but rewrite it so that it makes sense to the audience).
  • For the keywords in the meta tags, I put "Jolly Jumpers Los Angeles" or "Jolly Jumpers in LA"
  • Saved the html file as jolly-jumpers-los-angeles.html
  • Then I place an ad on Craigs List and put it in the Los Angeles section, under Community then General. My content would look something like this: Need To Spice Up Your Kid's Birthday Party? Try out our Jolly Jumpers. We have various designs like Spiderman, Barbie, Hannah Montana, or your favorite sports team.
  • Then in the bottom of your page, you put a link to your jolly jumpers website and anchor it with the keyword Jolly Jumpers Los Angeles - Click here for more information.
  • Now you setup a Google AdWords ad that says on the headline "Jolly Jumpers Los Angeles" then you put the information about your jolly jumpers service. There are two urls you fill in. On the display, you can put your domain name then right after that, you put jolly-jumpers-los-angeles.
  • For keywords, I used both phrase and exact match, which both contain "jolly jumpers los angeles" and [jolly jumpers los angeles].
  • Then on the actual URL, you put the exact link to that page.
I did something similar to this for a service I offer and my craigslist ad was on the second page of the Google rankings. In addition, my AdWords ad was on the second page as well. By the way, I set the AdWords ad at 5 cents per click.

If you need some more information, I encourage you to look at two items because they helped me get a higher ranking on my websites, my craigslist ad, and my Google Adwords ad. These are Building On A Budget by Mike Dillard and the Attraction Marketing Formula by Ferny Ceballos and Robert Fong. If they worked for me, it may work for you.

Till next time...

Sidney Juachon

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