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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Creating Several GMail Accounts To Use For Any Purpose

Are you creating several GMail accounts?

I doesn't matter where you use it, but
here are some things that you want to
know for future reference.

Regardless of how you create your GMail
accounts, whether you use an automated program
like the Auto Account Creator or do it manually (which I
used to do myself), there's a time you want to vary
the use of prefix/suffix on your GMail username
to avoid the GMail flagging system.

While I was creating several of these accounts with
the same prefix/suffix, I didn't realize I had created
too many of them and it caused the Gmail system to
notice simply put a block on further accounts matching
a certain pattern that I had. This happened to me
yesterday afternoon.

Refrain from creating more than 5 accounts per IP
Address, per 24-48 hours. The Gmail system will
refuse to cooperate since it may detect it could be
used for spam. At one time, I was creating 10 accounts
at a time, but for whatever reason, the artificially
intelligent Gmail system stop further email
account creation after the 5th one. It was probably
telling me that I have created enough and didn't need

Make sure that the number of characters in your first,
last, and the security question are different. Does
it really matter that much what's in it? Not to me.
Although Gmail may detect only English words, it doesn't
mean that it would understand Chinese, German, Arabic,
or Jibberish.

I don't know where you will use your accounts, but I
use the ones I create for posting on Craigslist, since
that other artificially intelligent brainless beast will
block ads if you put too many ads that link to the
same email address. In fact and it has already hap-
pened, Craigslist has been disallowing ads to go live
if the domain names are from a small to medium-sized
business, but they won't refuse all ads to go live if
linked from either a Yahoo or Gmail account - they
know too better to block a Gmail or a Yahoo account
since most of their customers either have accounts
coming from those domain names.

I won't say how many email accounts I have from
either Gmail or Yahoo, but I have enough to do
some power posting on Craigslist if I have to. If you
ever watched the video about me using the Auto
Account Creator
, you'll probably have an idea how
many accounts I may have.

Well, I just want to alert you in regards to creating
multiple GMail accounts. If time is a factor in creating
GMail accounts and you plan on using the data that
this program created for something else, like the
Easy Ad Poster, I encourage you to try out the
Auto Account Creator. It really makes life easier for
you when you create GMail accounts because there
is virtually little or no guess work at all.

Thanks for your leadership...Till next time...

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