If you're recruiting people to join your downline on craigslist, don't be surprised if your ad doesn't show up. if it did, don't be surprised if it got flagged and deleted. That's because the jobs section is meant for those who are seeking to work for someone else, like a 9-6 job where they commute 2 hours every day back and forth, back and forth, and you know how that goes.
My suggestion is set up an account with craigslist, using an gmail account. However, make sure you have one account per day, so for example if you're going to post on Monday, you set up an account for Monday, like and userid with a Monday on it. Using that account, post your ads on the small biz section. optimize it for a keyword, like "work at home mom" or something like that. Put it in a city like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, or New York City, where the ads expire in seven days. Withing 24-48 hours, Google reindexes its search ending and gives time sensitive ads, like craigslist ads a higher ranking. When that ad expires, log back to the account, repost it and the ad will continue to show.
As long as you're consistent, you'll never know what will turn up.
I won't guarantee conversions to signups right away, but if someone Googles "work at home mom", your ad may come up.
Continue your recruiting on the jobs section and the IP address of your computer may be logged and banned by Craigslist.
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