Need To Protect Yourself From A Hard Drive Crash?

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Math Behind J. Paul Getty's Statement And Why Discontinue Frontline Recruiting

Are You Continuously Frontline Recruiting?

Here's what J. Paul Getty said...

This is the math behind J Paul Getty's statement...except that I will expand it up to the 4th level using 3 percent of several people's effort instead of the 1 percent. In fact, some MLM companies have a pay structure that pays 15% at the first level, 10% at the 2nd, 5% at the 3rd...and so on.

Assume that each person in your downline is bringing in $100 worth of business per month. At 3 percent commission, you make $3 per person for that month.

Bringing in 10 people in your group would give you $30 per month - not much money for that effort. This is your immediate downline.

If those 10 people bring in 10 of their own people in their group giving you 100 people in your second level, that's $3 you get from each of these people and that's $3 x 100 = $300. This is your 2nd level downline.

Now if those 100 people bring in 10 people of their own, that means 1,000 people in your 3rd level downline. We're talking $3 x 1,000 = $3,000.

In your 4th level, downline, each of your 1,000 people bring in 10 people. Well that's 10,000 people in your 4th level and at 3%, you be talking about $30,000 a month from that 4th level alone.

We'll stop at the 4th level. In some MLM companies, a 5th level commission structure or beyond doesn't exist.

Well, all you need to do to accomplish this feat is make sure that each member of your downline is maintaining a $100 per month business, 10 people in their immediate frontline, and continue to train them to teach their immediate frontline to duplicate what you're doing.

J. Paul Getty emphasized the efforts of 100 people at 1 percent. Many companies are paying much more than that.

My point here is don't spend too much time frontline recruiting. Spend more time with what you already have in your downline training them in the art of duplication. Come up with a system that helps you do that and here's what I recommend you do:

  • Get your 8 to 12 people in your frontline
  • Teach them how to get their 8 to 12 people
  • Then teach then how to train their 8 to 12 people.
  • Spend more time marketing your product/service/program instead of recruiting.
  • Have faith in this system
Working this system will keep your attrition rate down. Your downline will have faith in this system because it's simple and you don't have to spend your way out of business purchasing leads and doing too much work being on the phone recruiting, recruiting, recruiting.

It also frees your time to focus on promoting the product or service that you're promoting once you achieve mastery of this system.

Want to put this in practice? Work with me and I'll help you put it to work for you.

All you need to do is believe that this art of duplication will work and you're going to be on your way.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Is Cash Gifting For Real Or A Scam?

Well before I join such a program, I do some research. If I feel there are some strings attached to it, per say, I don't even take it further. Anyways, here's what I learned about it.

First of all, what is cash gifting? Well according to the IRS, it's the public or private act of giving a declared amount cash at its own free will to another entity or to someone. Those receiving the gift don't have to repay it back, that's why it's called a gift. Cash gifting programs promote the giving of cash. It's been a practice by many of us for a long time. We give money to our friends and family as a gift or we give money to our church. It's not something that just came out of thin air.

The IRS states that a person can receive a cash gift of up to $12,000 per calendar year. Any amount exceeding that amount is taxable. It's under the IRS Tax Code, Title 26, Sections 2501-2504 and 2511.

Taxes are already paid on the money that is to be given as a gift. The giving of money as a gift to someone else by Americans and Canadians (at least) is a constitutional right. I can give my nephew $200 as a gift for his birthday, for a graduation present, or for Christmas. However, if it's over $12,000, it must be reported to the IRS by law and you get taxed for the excess of that amount.

Confusing? Well if I give $15,000 to my nephew, he may pay taxes on the excess of the $12,000, so that is $15,000 - $12,000 = $3,000.

Now what if you give $12,000 to your nephew on December 31st and another $12,000 on January 1st? Do you get taxed on the other $12,000? Absolutely not since the 2nd $12,000 took place in the next calendar year.

However, what is the deal with cash gifting and why are some of these people are marketing the program? That's because there are benefits of doing it.

Any money given by someone to another person is not considered a scam, as long as you do it at your own free will.

In cash gifting, no business transactions take place when money is transferred from one entity to another in the form of a gift.

It has nothing to do with any form of businesses. No CEO, board of directors, nor upper level managers have anything to do with you receiving money from someone else.

How how does someone make money promoting these programs?

You drive traffic to a landing page that would belong to you. The organization involved serves as the mediator, in which you pay a small annual fee to keep your website. Your visitor may fill out a form in your landing page with their contact information and callback number. These visitors serve as your prospects who will want to join your team.

Because joining a program is affordable for those who are serious, they can sign up under different levels. One can start joining at $150 and it can go up to $5,000.

Let's say you join at $500 under a sponsor who's at the $500 level. When you make that first sale, you provide the entire first sale to your sponsor. It doesn't matter if they join at the $150 level or the $500 level. If it exceeds $500, it goes to his sponsor.

On your second sale, you keep the entire amount paid to you as a gift. Any excess over $500 (the level that you joined under) goes to the next upline who has the excess of $500. You will then be qualified for an additional half of the excess.

For example, if you're at the $500 level, and you brought in someone at the $1,000 level, the next upline at the $1,000 or above level keeps $500 as a gift, and you would be qualified for an additional $250, thus you'll now be promoted to the $750 level.

Any sales beyond the first sale (which you must pass it up to your enroller) is yours to keep as a gift. All this money is tax free (under IRS rules).

Thus, assuming that you're qualified (after you pass up the first sale), if you make 10 sales at the $150 level, you make $1,500. Since the people you brought into the program must pass up the first sale and all 10 of them make their first sale at the $150 level, you make another $1,500. That's a total of $3,000.

What if you made 10 sales given the same scenario above? You just pocketed $10,000 and yes, all this money you raked in is tax free.

Now you ask me, is this for real? Is it a scam?

It's as real as it gets and it's not a scam. As long as you help your team grow, the word scam is slowly being disassociated to the term cash gifting.

Cash gifting is an activity embraced by thousands of people in 44 countries. It happens when someone freely gives someone else cash as a gift. Cash gifting is becoming the next big thing, although it is not a new concept and far from a new phenomenon. It's simple and easy to do for even the novice marketer.

It isn't a company, a 2-up, a zero up, MLM or pyramid scheme. The purpose of cash gifting at its base is people helping people. Nowadays, it's becoming the perfect solution to the everyday person’s problems.

Cash Gifting is becoming the hot new trend of 2008 and beyond. It affords you the opportunity to get that feeling and help another person. It is for real, is gaining a lot of attention, and is turning a lot of heads very quickly.

This is NOT a business, it is gifting plain and simple.

If this fascinates you, I encourage you to go visit my website at and fill out the form so that you can know if this is for you or not.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Web 2.0 Marketing On Facebook, Myspace, & Others

If you're in myspace, look me up.

Don't forget to talk about your product on Facebook, MySpace, or Friendster. Whenever you add something on your profiles on these sites, all of your friends learn about it. This is a good way to build your business, especially when you're working on a relationship-based business. That's Web 2.0 marketing for you.

What do you do in Web 2.0? Here's my take in it; You do blogging, social networking sites like this Facebook, MySpace, and Friendster, online classified ads sites like Craigslist, press releases, directories like and, online forums, and auction sites like eBay.

Articles that you wrote on these mediums wind up on the online search engines (in a few days) and they get priority in search engine ranking but that depends on what keyword did you optimize it for.

If you put a link on your website which has a landing page for a product or service you're promoting, you can get some free leads and fill up your list. Every internet marketer is saying that the money is in the list.

Is there another alternative in promoting your products or services besides Web 2.0? Yes there is. One you simply purchased leads while the probably know by now, so I won't tell you since I'll be repeating it myself.

If you're looking to wonder what Web 2.0 is, there are several resources out there, but if you preferred to eliminate the guesswork, you can message me and we'll discuss it if it's for you.

This article is also on and my Facebook profile

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

You Got Funds Waiting For You --- For Reals?

Hi there,

Can be true if you know the code.

For years now the top ‘net marketers have been keeping a deep dark secret. While they were teaching you the old school way to profit online, they were researching, testing, and producing an
amazing income with more modern techniques.

Now they’re ready to unleash their knowledge and let you in on what they’ve learned. It’s called
The Multiple Streams of Income System and it bucks tradition that says you have to get good at 1 thing.

In recent years, marketers have started to realize that if their unbelievable profits were flooding in using one system, why not create more? They started sharing success stories and letting each other in one some secret maneuvers – and now you can gain access to this information and copy their success! The Multiple Streams of Income System is a step-by-step guide that allows you to pick and choose which income producers you want to use. Some can start generating cash within
15 minutes while others take a bit longer to launch.

This system is valuable to those who’ve never made a penny online – but also to those who are having incredible success and simply want to expand their online empire.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll learn:

Data Entry Work...
Processing Ads Online...
Website Click's Processing...
A Step-by-Step Blueprint to Product Creation...
Action-Based Affiliate Techniques for Generating Instant Income...
Participatory Online Income Strategies...
The Internet Marketing Side to eBay...

Join now and you will make money. No joke, No scams, Guaranteed!

What will you do if you don't do it now? You'll never know for yourself. Well take care.

Is Your Computer Getting Slower Since You Bought It?

Read This Before You Decide On Giving Up On Your PC!!!

Do You Have A Slow Windows PC?
Considering Retiring It After Having It For A Year?
Hassled By Replacing Your PC Because You
Have Data In It That You Can't Afford To Lose?

I've been working with computers since 1992 and in my experience, I've
always noticed that after having installed several programs throughout
the life of that PC, this is what I've been noticing...

  • Slow PC Performance
  • Computer Frozen
  • System Crashes
  • Windows Errors
  • Hardware Malfunctions
  • Slow Internet Speeds
  • DLL Errors
  • General Protection Fault
  • System32 Errors
  • Windows Explorer Errors
  • Access Violations
  • Runtime Errors
If you get any of these errors, it can be annoying if they pop up on your screen. Chances are, your application may run slow, take some time to load up, or you wind up with a configuration error. Why? Because you may have a registry that still has applications or library files that are still loading up into your computer's memory although you no longer have the actual program that needs it in your system. As a result, it slows down your system because every time you run a program in your computer, it will still scan your entire registry to see if your program has the required entries.

A large registry file delays the loading of your program. It doesn't matter if you're using the entries associated with the registry or not.

There are two ways to fix this. You can do it the easy way (click on the link) or the hard way. The hard way is not meant for the novices to do, that is run the REGEDIT.EXE program. Try doing that and you'll be doing some hunting blindfolded if you don't know what you're doing. Even those who know how to do some editing on the registry (like me) will take time to fix the offending error (that's if I'm able to locate it). The easy way is to use a registry cleaner. A registry cleaner has the following features that might help you safely fix your problem:

  • Remove the associated errors above
  • Make a backup of your current registry before the scan
  • Restore your old registry if you're not satisfied with the scan
  • Manage your Windows Startup
  • Works with both Windows XP and Windows Vista
  • Schedule your scan at a desired time.
  • Free Scanning Tool
However, there are a lot of registry cleaners out there and you're wondering which one will is best for you. Well I have to admit that nothing is perfect out there. If you need to know which one works best, here's what I did.

We have researched 11 registry cleaners. Of the 11, three of them scored higher in our criteria. The top three picks have sustained excellent track records, are simple to use, and offers the best & most comprehensive scans for your PC. (more info here...)

If you're in the market of getting your Windows PC resolved, my advice is before you go see a computer technician and pay $75 per hour for it, my suggestion is reconsider until you try out the free scanning tool made available by each of the three programs and see for yourself.

For more information about getting the free scanner, you may click here.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Why I Finally Left The Federal Government To Become A Freelancer

After 18 years working with the federal government, I finally decided that it's time to get out of that box. With me putting more time to do some internet marketing and reeling in some pretty good money doing it part time, I decided that I have a better chance to grow with what I'm doing now, so I decided to jump on it.

In the job that I just left, when you have a manager who doesn't trust you, wants to micromanage every single process that you do, make you charge vacation time for taking more than 10 minutes of going to the bathroom or doing a break, make you reorient your desktop PC to the way they want it when it's okay for the others to keep it the way they were, and likes to play head games, you know it's time to go.

For the last 12 years, I've been promised that if I put in 110% working for them, I would get a substantial raise in pay. I was still waiting for that until my last day at work.

After going through that trouble, I finally found the opportunity to pursue and capitalize on it and when I did, it paid more than enough dividends for me to tell them to "Take that job and shove it!!!"

As soon as some people find out, they were asking me the following questions and here are my answers to them.

Question: What are you going to do for a living?
Answer: Work 16 hours a day doing what I really like to do. Stay at home and have a real life. Put a 110% effort on it and kick some ass with it.

Question: What will you do about retirement?
Answer: When I'm 6 feet under the ground (had to borrow this line).

Question: What about your health insurance?
Answer: Ask any of my friends on Facebook and they'll tell you about it.

Question: How much are you going to make in this business?
Answer: Enough to replace my income and get a real life!!!

Question: What if your business doesn't work out?
Answer: If you're an uneducated degree holding tire kicker, you need to learn something about business, marketing, information technology, accounting, finance, and some problem solving. If you know all this, failure is not an option.

Question: Do you have any regrets in doing this?
Answer: My only regret is that I didn't do it any sooner.

As I checked out for the last time, I cleaned out my cubicle of my personal effects, turned in my badge, scraped off the sticker that gets me access on the base, and said farewell to the people I worked with for the last 14 years.

My daughter was real happy about it because I'll be home to spend the rest of the summer with her. However, my wife still needs to get used to this.

As for me, I'm free after serving time in the box for the last 18 years. Yipeeeeee!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My Opinion Regarding "Spamming" On Classified Ads Site

I heard that there's a lawsuit that involves a classified ads site and a ticketbroker, but I'm going to consider this a rumor since no names will be mentioned. However, I searched "craigslist lawsuit" under Google and didn't see anything related to what this one person brought on one of the forums.

This is what I know about spamming. The CAN-Spam Act is a law that prohibits spam as in sending email to list who did not double opted-in (click here for more info). I don't know if this applies to free classified ads site since nothing is mentioned in that law.

If you double opted into getting updates to let's say something like my blog, i get to send you an email until you decide to unsubscribe.

However, there's no law that prohibits you from sending multiple ads on a free classified ads site or as many of us would say, Spam. The only thing that stands in our way is being compliant of the terms of use and violations of that would result in your account being removed from the system. A judge may try to make a ruling against those who try to post excessively, but it's most likely that they will leave it up to the classified ads site provider to decide on what to do about the poster.

Because most classified ads site is a public site, the only limit you will have is be subjected to the terms of service or terms of use of their service. If they say that you can't bad mouth a particular person, then you can't do that or you'll be in violation of the terms of use. These classified ads site may not limit you on what you put on that site, but remember, they have rules on what you do when you join their party. That means you have to do it under their terms. Otherwise, you will get kicked out of the party.

Note that the CAN-SPAM Act applies only to email. It doesn't apply to posting on public web sites like forums, classified ads site, etc. If a judge tries to rule that you can't post excessively on a classified ads site, he must cite which law does that apply to. As far as I know, he would have to site the 1st Amendment. However, the classified ads site provider has the right to protect their sites from excessive posting through the use of the terms of service, but it must not conflict with what may be offensive to users, posters, and others alike.

The above is based on my opinion. Your opinion may be different and I'm always open to change that stance as it's deemed necessary.

Friday, June 20, 2008

The Impact Of Craigslist Implementing A Different Captcha System

Sometime last week, Craigslist has implemented another captcha system and it's called reCaptcha. This has created problems for those who use auto-posters to post ads on Craigslist automatically instead of doing it manually. What this does is it renders most automation of their Craigslist posting virtually useless.

The reCaptcha module that Craigslist deployed was started in the Los Angeles area in the Jobs category, but it eventually spread out throughout all cities. Craigslist advertisers then rewrote their ads and put it in either the Service or the For Sale categories. About a week later, it went to all categories.

Recently, they included the reCaptcha challenge in the creation of the Craigslist accounts. Thus when you either post an ad or need to create a Craigslist account, you would need to answer the reCaptcha challenge to be successful.

For those of you who still post on Craigslist manually, there is no impact. However, if you're blasting 400 ads a day, there is a definite impact since the new captcha challenge requires you to enter two words instead of one. Because research shows that there's only a 15% success rate at the most, it makes it difficult for computer programs to recognize the new method that it's now using and even a human being has problems reading the captcha image being displayed.

Does that mean that your auto-posting days are over? Probably not. It becomes more challenging though. Programmers have modified their software programs to allow their users to enter the answer to the reCaptcha challenge. I'm sure there's a way around it because someone will eventually find a way around the reCaptcha function that Craigslist is now using. Google has tried it with their Gmail captcha challenge but others have already solved it. The answer to the reCaptcha challenge would be a matter of time. But some programmers have conceded that it's unsolvable at this time.

Note that Craigslist encourage you to market your products and services locally and if your answer to the reCaptcha challenge is close enough, you've pretty much answered it successfully.

For example, if the reCaptcha challenge shows the words "We're Successful", you can type the following answers and you have basically answered the challenge:

  • weresuccessful
  • we're successful
  • were successful
  • Or any combination of upper or lower case characters since the reCaptcha challenge is not case sensitive.
But I tell you, programmers who sell autoposters are scrambling to find a solution and the closest they get to is do some recoding so that it gives them an interface to type in the answer to the challenge.

Another solution is to contract the function to have someone else enter the answer to the captcha code. That means that someone at the other end must have the program that interacts with the autoposting software that you use. That means you pay for that function and it won't be cheap.

Nevertheless, autoposting continues unless Craigslist comes up with another snag.

However, if you're still posting on Craigslist and you have trouble getting your ads up, we at Classified Ad Masters have an answer to your problems. We also have a way to keep you posting effectively as possible.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

What's Wrong With Network Marketing?

I used to be in MLM, but now I've been doing affiliate marketing. How is network marketing screwed up? Nothing is screwed up about this system. It's those who abuse the system, those who continue front line recruiting, like what's happening in my last company.

Front line recruiting keeps going and going and going while those who are already in it are not getting any help from the person who brought them into the business. My former upline Michele even told me that I shouldn't expect any return calls from her. I remember Kim saying in one of her courses that if you turn your back on your enrollee, they're just going to disappear. Well it happened when I decided to leave, especially when this Michele tried to make it look like it's my fault by covering up her mistakes. Her direct upline doesn't even have time for any one of her frontline distributors.

I thought I was the only person who went through this, but I talked to other distributors in the company I worked with and they have the same complaint.

After I left, I told her on a chat session that I was sorry that we didn't work out. I thought it was the most respectable thing to say, at least I didn't disappear out of thin air, but she started rambling that network marketing is not for me, that if I don't follow the system of chasing people and spending hundreds of dollars on leads that were filled out by people who were tire-kickers looking for a freebie like a laptop or a digital camera, and get on useless team calls that were rehashed from someone else's team calls. What a waste of time to listen to crap that's not helping us close any sales. After all, that's what we're suppose to do. Basically, that's what the uplines want me to do and as long as this is their standard practice, my reservation remains high.

Anyways, what's my point here? Network marketing, one of the most ethical forms of business today, becomes defaced, picked on, crapped on by the 95% (including me) who dropped out, because the leaders focus solely on recruiting, picking up anyone on the street who aren't qualified to work this type of business in the first place and then when they quit, they started filing complaints on other boards or the ripoff report that this company is bad or the leaders are bad (which most of them are or are becoming) misusing this concept by continuously recruiting instead of focusing on customer service.

Network marketing remains a powerful people-based model to exponentially explode your organization, but if you misuse it, people in your downline will start deserting. If you're willing to train the 8 to 12 good people to doe the same thing you're doing, 5 levels later, your 5th level will have over 32,768 distributors. Theoretically, this is possible. Less is more by having 8 distributors in your frontline, that is much better than having 512 distributors in your frontline. Besides, how can you get a life by having that many distributors in your frontline and keep them afloat. Some of them would have quit by now.

My advice to you all is before you join your next network marketing company, ask the hard questions before you dig into the business and dish out $100, 200, 500, or even $3,000 to get started. That's because you're going to need them when you get stuck.

So that's what I wanted to say.


Monday, May 12, 2008

Posting On The Jobs Category Of Craigslist

Trouble posting on the Jobs Category Of Craigslist?

Perhaps you gotta put something that has value or something that sells.

In my last two postings, I was able to get 95% and a 99.5% sticking rate.

The product I was marketing converted five sales and reeled four of
them today.

With the Jobs category being one of the hardest to post on Craigslist,
you gotta find a way to appeal to those who are looking for a job.

Some MLMers use this section to recruit distributors, but since I'm
not in MLM, I don't really have to worry about using this medium to
recruit distributors.

I'm unsure if I'll ever join another MLM organization, especially with
the way your upline treats you like what happened to me with my
last MLM company. I'm having more fun trying to provide information
that helps people find their niches. However, I like to teach someone
succeed in the same niche I'm in because in the long run, it puts you in
a position to become a leader in your niched industry.

With corporate downsizing, an economy in challenging times, gas prices
approaching $4 per gallon, and management in your company or a government
organization, such as NFESC (a US Naval Command) trying to squeeze every
penny out of you and make life miserable for you, and for those who
have young kids like me paying between $120 to $150 per week for babysitting,
the home-based business avenue is the way to go. This industry is growing
into a multi-billion dollars worth of transaction and will be here to stay,
especially for those who will never return to work for someone else.

However, to be able to pull of this challenge, you must figure out how to do
it first. As a Craigslist Masters student, we have a community that will help
you succeed in your home business, regardless of what Craigslist does to
their systems.

However, you must enroll to become a Craigslist Master member. Whether
you're a seasoned marketer or a novice marketer, you will continuously
be a student of this game because the Internet marketing spectrum will
continue to be dynamic. There are no graduates of this program, but you
will continue to be updated with the changes that surround us.

I'm ready to enroll and crack the code. Sign me up now!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Letter By CLM Founder Erik Welker To Craigslist Staff

** Members are free to post this letter all over the Internet! **

I've edited this letter to make sure it's censured.

Dear Craigslist Staff,

For over a decade, people have been relying on your website to put food on the table and to provide financial support their families. Our economy has gone to hell in a hand basket. Now more than ever, people need to communicate their products and services through your website in order to live a better life... in order to escape corporate America, the (obvious) modern day version of SLAVERY!...

We were the one's who drove your traffic ranking through the roof. We were the one's who made you who you are today! We were the one's who sacrificed hours and hours of time hacking away at the keyboard, trying to figure out your system... and you know what? We loved it! It was a game in which the ONLY people that got rewarded were those who took the time to MASTER your system. It was PERFECT in so many ways.

By your actions this past week, you have sent a very strong message to the entire community that believed in you... The Craigslist professional power posting community is well over 100,000 members strong and we will not be left out in the cold.

On Monday May 12th, 2008, I will set into motion a community wide movement, urging my fellow posters and business owners to direct their ad posting efforts and all of the traffic that comes from those efforts to other up-and-coming classified ad sites like Back Page and Kijiji.

You have essentially "Kicked Your Children out of your House."

I realize that once the movement starts and your ranking begins to fall off the map (which has already begun), you will remove some of these ridiculous filters and hoops to jump through, but for many it will be too late. They have already witnessed the ruthless acts that you are capable of.

Some people will come back to your community, and Craigslist Masters will still be here teaching them how to post their ads to your website, even if they need to send in a BLOOD SAMPLE and DENTAL RECORDS. But I believe a lot of your children will never return.

Erik Welker ~
Founder CLM

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Tired Of Computer Problems? Glitches? Slow Response?

Are you using a PC running any version of Windows XP or Windows Vista? If you're having computer problems, chances are, you probably have a problem in your system registry.

What is a system registry? Normally when you install some programs or add hardware to your computer, information about each program or a piece of computer hardware device is stored in this registry. Virtually, it's the heart and soul of your computer.

The system registry has been implemented by Microsoft since their release of the Windows 95 operating system and is currently used in all versions of Windows Server 2000 or 2003, Windows XP, and Windows Vista. All configuration information in the Windows operating system is centralized. To make changes to the registry, you need either to run the REGEDIT.EXE or the REGEDT32.EXE program, which comes in all versions of Windows (since Windows 95).

The Linux operating system (all flavors) and other flavors of the Unix operating system do not use a centralized configuration system. Configuration information is stored on separate files and all you need to make changes in it is a simple text editor.

But this is all about the Windows operating system, so let's talk about it.

For someone who's computer savvy, they would most likely know how to work the system registry and manually resolve the problem. Unfortunately, not everyone has the skill set needed to perform this task. Most people would be challenged when it comes to trying to resolve a problem with their system. Although I can do this manually and I'm A+ Certified, it takes someone who's experienced with the Windows operating system and the registry to be able to make these kinds of changes. Even advanced users would prefer to use some tool to do the troubleshooting themselves and I personally belong in this category.

You can correct the errors in your Windows System Registry manually or with a program that can access your Windows System Registry. However, if this is a little bit challenging and you're pressed for time, you're better off making changes using this tool. It's called Registry Fix. This program can address the following issues:
  • A Slow Windows System
  • DLL errors
  • Constant Blue Screens
  • Receiving error messages and don't know why
  • Resolve more of your computer problems

Only experts are able to fix something like the ones mentioned above by manually going into the system registry. Most of us would have to research Microsoft's Technet or Google the issue in hand to see if there's a fix or a work around that issue. Registry Fix will already tell you what the problem is and the rest is up to you to decide whether to proceed or not.

You can download the program and try it out for free. Go to the link below to download it. The free download has limited functionality, meaning part of your registry will be corrected. If you purchase the software, you will be able to correct all the issues that affect the performance of your system.

Believe me, whether or not you're computer savvy, I encourage you to try out Registry Fix and see for yourself. Once this program cleans up the Windows Registry that's causing a slow performance, you'll never want to part with it again.

Click Here! if you want to see more information on Registry Fix works.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Free Headline Creator

Check this site out. It can create several headlines for you. I've used it to launch my advertising campaign. Click on the details below and you'll be on your way to creating your headlines.

Take Me To The Free Headline Creator Now!

Have fun with it...and remember, it's free.


Monday, April 21, 2008

My Review Of The Craigslist Masters Program

Here is my complete review of Craigslist Masters and what I have learned since I joined less than two months ago. I love all the material they provide and it has changed the way I market my products drastically. It even helped me generate instant traffic on my websites. But let me tell you more about it.

Craigslist Masters
is a training guide which walks people step by step how to post ads on the classified ads site, Craigslist. Craigslist Masters Provides: Training and Support of over 8 hours of live training per week to assist you in posting ads on Craigslist. Craigslist Masters is the only service with live training daily to teach you how to effectively post aggressively on Craigslist. Craigslist Masters is Erik Welker's training guide to posting ads on Craigslist.

If you have been looking around Craigslist lately, you have seen all the ads for Craigslist Masters among a few others all pushing the latest secrets to Craigslist posting. After a week of trying to get my ads posted and got frustrated because I get ghosted by Craigslist for whatever reason, I clicked on one of the Craigslist Masters ads on Craigslist and checked it out. As much money I was spending on Adwords, the price Craigslist Masters charges is nothing compared to paying for traffic on Google Adwords and Yahoo Search. If you are looking to get lots of free ads on CL, you can't go wrong with Craigslist Masters.

As for multiple affiliate products, Craigslist Masters provides at least 6 different affiliate programs to promote on Craigslist which has nothing to do with recruiting affiliates or distributors. Or you can promote your own business, like your MLM products, your own business, or whatever you want to promote. Regardless of what you promote, Craigslist Masters really show you how to make a full time income by using this proprietary training and systems.

It’s always been a great place to generate leads and sales, and my postings have been MORE effective now using the Craigslist Masters method than in the past. I have generated more than 50 leads within the last month on one product, 207 visits with 28 leads to one of my affiliate sites and more than 390 visits with 35 leads on another site. All this for the $127 I paid to join them and a reasonable monthly fee. In fact, this beats the heck out of paying for Google Adwords. With almost 600 visits within the last two months, I would have paid much more with Google AdWords.

So, yes Craigslist Masters is an ongoing training guide that I would highly recommend to anyone who is serious about posting on Craigslist. These should not be overlooked when considering the $147 fee ($127 if you do it on Mondays and Wednesdays) for the Craigslist Masters training guide. Unlike Google Adwords, you have to pay for traffic and I was averaging over $60 a month advertising with Google and sometimes I don't get a lot of traffic at all.

There are thousands of dollars worth of value in the Craigslist Masters training guide, but only for the few who "take the bull by the horns" and make it happen. Therefore, I encourage you to take a look at Craigslist Masters. The training system provided works for ANYONE, no matter age, sex, education, skill or background. Track your results in "real time" with our affiliate commission tracking program (Only applies to the Craigslist Masters affiliate products).

There are a few things you should know first before purchasing the Craigslist Masters training program. Even with Craigslist Masters there will be a learning curve. Fortunately Craigslist Masters enables their students to shorten the learning curve. We have some real good trainers who are seasoned Craigslist marketers and they teach you what software you should use, how to use it, and most of all, how to make sure that your ads will STICK. So before spending the $147 on Erik Welker's Craigslist Masters, make sure to have a few extra bucks set aside to start your new marketing method, know that work is required, and there will be a slight learning curve when getting started.

Craigslist Masters, is it any good or a rip off. I know some people say that the folks there are upselling members to other products, but you got to decide what you really want. Do you want to win or save money. I can't call it a ripoff or a scam if I'm able to effectively advertise my products for free. In fact, I've already gotten my return on investment. I got some time to do other things, made a few sales, and gotten more credible leads, which I call it valuable. Consider this an intangible asset that you might find very valuable in your Internet marketing endeavors.

Since signing up for the Craigslist Masters membership, my sticking rate more than doubled. I was going from a 22% to almost a 70%. I'm not complaining with that. In fact, I was even amazed by it because I didn't expect to get that much. Furthermore, I also put out about 150 to 200 ads per day and my goal is to increase it to 500+ ads per day, marketing different products on Craigslist.

For more info and a great way to learn fast, check us out by going to the website and filling out the form if you really want more info.

Take Me To The Craigslist Masters Website.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Automated Craigslist Posting For Those On A Budget

Are You Looking Into Automating Your Craigslist Advertising? Have You Considered Easy Ad Poster Deluxe, Auto Account Creator, IP Green, Craygo, AdSleuth, Or Any Other Tool In The Market?

Have You Searched Google or Yahoo For An Easy Way To Market Your Business Using Craigslist And Still Unsure What You're Looking For?

To those of you who are looking into the challenge of posting on Craigslist, I want to share with you what I think you should get and let me tell you why I'm crazy enough to take the plunge.

However, before I did, this is what I've learned while doing some posting on Craigslist. I also want to point out that if you don't follow these suggestions, you ads won't show up after you post. I also expected by the time read this, Craigslist may have made some changes, so these may not apply anymore and yes, you better expect it. So here are the do's and don'ts of what you should know about this beast:
  • You can't use the same headline within 48 to 72 hours.
  • You can't use the same email address within 48-72 hours. That means you must create several email accounts and Gmail is recommended.
  • You can't use the same IP address within the last 24 hours. If you do, your ip may be banned for a month.
  • There are more points, but I just want to bring enough points so you know what Craigslist expect from you if you plan on posting your ads.
The tools that you need to succeed in your posting:
  • An Internet Connection that allows you to change your IP address. I recommend the following in the order below
    • A Sprint Data Card - preferred because you get unlimited plan for $59.95 a month
    • A Dialup Account with Juno or Netzero.
  • A program that allows you to create Gmail accounts.
  • A program that allows you to post several different combinations of the same ads to different cities at different times.
  • A program that allows your computer to automatically disconnect you from the Internet and reconnects you with a new IP address.
I wish I know about this three weeks ago, but hey, you live and learn. In the past, I purchased the Auto Account Creator ($97), Easy Ad Poster Deluxe ($397), and used IPGreen on a trial basis. Paid almost $500 for total automation.

Well, when I learned about this one product, I did though about kicking myself in the butt because it has all three elements I needed for total automation, supports my Sprint Data card, and is $300 cheaper. It exceeded my expectations and I was able to post without having to babysit the system.

In fact, I was able to create 30 Gmail accounts within 15 minutes (was doing something else simultaneously). Try creating 30 Gmail accounts and tell me how long will it take you? It took me more than an hour to do this when you can do it for way less. Just a few minutes ago, it took me 19 minutes to shoot 25 ads to Craigslist. This is the same program that can do what I needed to do with the programs that cost $300 more.

It's called the Ad Master and I highly recommend it if you're planning on doing a lot of posting. It costs $197 and is the difference between posting 500 ads in one day as opposed to 50 ads in one day.

Regardless of which direction you decide to take, good luck in your business endeavors.

Till next time...


Click here to view more details on Ad Master

Buy Now

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Why Did I Have To Leave My Last Network Marketing Company

Were you one of those who were signed up by your enroller and then later on ignored when you try to call them?

Were you signed up by someone else known as your enroller and then your were just told to listen to all these calls, but when you try to contact them, you didn't get any responses.

When you decided that you're going to throw the towel, your enroller magically appears. Once you told that enroller, and her name is Michele, she decided to disappear back to whatever she was doing and I assume that is continuous front-line recruiting.

When you begin to inquire about your enroller Michele is not responding to your calls, emails, IM, or morse code, she states that you should never expect a reply or to be contacted as she's only working with those willing to work.

When there is a lack of communication between you and your enroller Michele, frustration begins to arise and my feelings becomes stronger that this person will never ever call.

When you have an enroller like Michele who uses the three time-zone excuse to not respond to any form of contact that you made to her, you know she refuses to admit to her wrongdoing. When you have an enroller who never admits her wrongdoing like Michele, you know the relationship is unhealthy and it may be time to consider jumping ship.

When you have an enroller who says that network marketing is not for you, under the terms of continuous front-line recruiting, you know it's time to jump ship.

An enroller who has at least 100 frontline distributors in their belt will not have more than 1 hour of time per week. Assuming that you work 12 hours a day, seven days a week, you still won't be able to give that one hour quality time per week. If this is what network marketing is all about, then it's hard for me to be in this type of industry. My understanding of this model is you sponsor eight and your eight sponsor their eight and so on. Not sponsor 100 or 400 frontline distributors.

The top bananas in Herbalife, Shaklee, Excel, and NuSkin don't do type of frontline recruiting.

I'd prefer to join an organization who emphasizes putting more on customers first and growing an organisation of distributors as I outlined on my How Do You Grow Your Organization article.

What's wrong with teaching the people you bring into the business? I don't believe that there's a problem for me to train aces and have those newly trained aces train their own aces.

The network marketing industry is at its lowest point and mlm/network marketing is getting a bad name.

The only regret I have is I didn't quit six months ago. I should have done that but decided to give it another chance. However, this time, enough is enough.

If I decided on returning to this company, I'll join under someone else's organisation who believes in using that person's strengths to grow their own and believes that continuous front-line recruiting is the wrong path to take as I said in my article.

4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 = ? 4 people at five levels gives you 1,024 distributors in your downline.

You all should know what I'm doing by now. Why don't you go and check out this site called the Internet Dream Machine and learn how to grow your business using the methods you can learn. I've already cracked the code and able to put out over 200 to 300 ads per day on Craigslist. I'm shooting for 2,000 per day within six months marketing several affiliate products. I just had to organize my advertising strategy.

I left because I want to change uplines. Since the company I was with requires a few months waiting time before I come back under a different upline.

Because I love the products that the company I was with has to offer, I am considering a return in October, but will enroll under someone else. I'm still evaluating who I want to sign up under, but yes, I prefer someone who will address my needs, wants, and don't wants. Yes, you will be asked to answer a few questions and the answer to those questions will determine whether
we work together or not. I'll just go to your website and fill out a form if you're one of those who are picked for me to interview. I'm looking for a certain audience as stated here in this link.

If you have any questions about me leaving, just email me at

Till next time...


Creating Several GMail Accounts To Use For Any Purpose

Are you creating several GMail accounts?

I doesn't matter where you use it, but
here are some things that you want to
know for future reference.

Regardless of how you create your GMail
accounts, whether you use an automated program
like the Auto Account Creator or do it manually (which I
used to do myself), there's a time you want to vary
the use of prefix/suffix on your GMail username
to avoid the GMail flagging system.

While I was creating several of these accounts with
the same prefix/suffix, I didn't realize I had created
too many of them and it caused the Gmail system to
notice simply put a block on further accounts matching
a certain pattern that I had. This happened to me
yesterday afternoon.

Refrain from creating more than 5 accounts per IP
Address, per 24-48 hours. The Gmail system will
refuse to cooperate since it may detect it could be
used for spam. At one time, I was creating 10 accounts
at a time, but for whatever reason, the artificially
intelligent Gmail system stop further email
account creation after the 5th one. It was probably
telling me that I have created enough and didn't need

Make sure that the number of characters in your first,
last, and the security question are different. Does
it really matter that much what's in it? Not to me.
Although Gmail may detect only English words, it doesn't
mean that it would understand Chinese, German, Arabic,
or Jibberish.

I don't know where you will use your accounts, but I
use the ones I create for posting on Craigslist, since
that other artificially intelligent brainless beast will
block ads if you put too many ads that link to the
same email address. In fact and it has already hap-
pened, Craigslist has been disallowing ads to go live
if the domain names are from a small to medium-sized
business, but they won't refuse all ads to go live if
linked from either a Yahoo or Gmail account - they
know too better to block a Gmail or a Yahoo account
since most of their customers either have accounts
coming from those domain names.

I won't say how many email accounts I have from
either Gmail or Yahoo, but I have enough to do
some power posting on Craigslist if I have to. If you
ever watched the video about me using the Auto
Account Creator
, you'll probably have an idea how
many accounts I may have.

Well, I just want to alert you in regards to creating
multiple GMail accounts. If time is a factor in creating
GMail accounts and you plan on using the data that
this program created for something else, like the
Easy Ad Poster, I encourage you to try out the
Auto Account Creator. It really makes life easier for
you when you create GMail accounts because there
is virtually little or no guess work at all.

Thanks for your leadership...Till next time...

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My Craigslist Posting - Total Automation, Less Frustration

Would You Like To Learn How To Post 20, 50, Or Even 100 Ads On Craigslist Without Having To Babysit The Computer?

Are You Frustrated With Posting In Craigslist?

I've been posting on Craigslist since January. I'm still learning the ropes as I post the programs I sell and since I'm involved in network marketing, I also post the business opportunity.

I didn't learn how to advertise on this site without the frustration of my ads not showing up. Lots of resources have been used to get me to where I am in the Internet marketing industry and I'm pretty sure it will get better in the long run.

Because of the awesome traffic I'm getting from this blog and the traffic that I get from my sites through posting on Craigslist and some other forums, I decided to put a massive effort in placing posts on this several sites. Because Craigslist gets about 6 billion visits per month and probably counting, I decided to use this to my advantage.

Last Friday, I upgraded from getting the Easy Ad Poster Standard Edition to the Easy Ad Poster Deluxe. Since then, I was able to place massive ads on Craigslist, although I get like a 66 percent rate of my ads going live on this beast. However, I've been posting on the more challenging categories. At least one thing I don't have to do...that is babysitting my computer in entering all those captcha codes. I've posted several ads on Craigslist on various products and services, and 66% of them went live. Less than 1% of my ads that went live got flagged, but I figured that they could be from competitors. Nevertheless, the campaign continues. Oh yeah, I've converted a few sales, got 10 leads for one product and 11 leads for another product and they're all generated by yours truly.

However, one thing I recommend you do is if you want to really take Internet Marketing seriously, you should be consistent in your marketing, regardless on what method you use. One of my friends has worked really hard in getting promoted to her first leadership level (name and company withheld) using the post card method because she's got that method close to the Pauli Exclusion Principle numbers...down to a science. She's able to control what she can do, but it's not up to her on whether she brings in a piece of business. Just as you market your products and services, it's up to you to market, but it's not up to you to get them to buy into them. I'd expect 1 out of 10 to be a customer.

But you should not put Craigslist advertising on the back burner. This site is going to be here for the long haul. According to Erik Welker of Craigslist Masters, Craigslist has projected that they will make an excess of 80 million this year. Although advertising in this site is free for most cases, they only charge if you post and ad for jobs in the high traffic sites of major U.S. cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York. They charge like $75 for a 30-day ad in San Francisco while they charge $25 to post a 30-day ad in Los Angeles, San Diego, Orange County (California), Boston, Portland (OR), Seattle, Boston, New York Metro, and the Washington D.C. area. If you're advertising rental in New York, they charge a real generous fee (unlike the newspapers) for a 30-day ad.

One other reason why you should advertise on Craigslist because Google indexes those ads due to its time sensitivity. So if you're advertising how to avoid being ghosted by typing Ghosted By Craigslist you're most likely to either be found on Craigslist or through Google if someone searches using Craigslist Ghosting as the keyword. So you can get Google traffic for free through Craigslist, but you better be posting continuously or all this effort means nothing if you don't have consistency.

However, you need to have several email accounts. I recommend using multiple GMail or Yahoo accounts and strongly recommend that you rotate them to ensure a higher rate of your ads going live. On my previous post, I've demonstrated how you can create 5 GMail Accounts and its corresponding Craigslist accounts on my last blog post. This was using the Auto Account Creator (more info how to get it...) and it's simple to use. If you watch the video, you'll get an idea how it works. In about an hour, I was able to create 60 accounts.

Getting your ads to go live on Craigslist is a challenge. If you want to get to as close as conquering it, go to the link below. There's no better way of taming this beast. Don't be cheap. Learn it now because you cannot afford not to if you're going to get ahead in this industry.

Well, I'll be going now. Kinda late here and gotta crash. Till next time...Tataa...

Sidney Juachon


Marketing on Craigslist is a challenge with the high risk of getting ghosted if you don't know what you're doing. Therefore, I encourage you to take a look at Craigslist Masters. This is a highly recommended resource where you'll be able to network with other marketers and you cannot afford not to learn about how this beast works.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Advertising With Ease On Craigslist

Are You Currently Posting On Craigslist?

Tired Of Creating Email Accounts And Its Corresponding Craigslist
Accounts Consuming Your Valuable Time Knowing That You Will
Need Several GMail And Its Associated Craigslist Accounts To Make
Sure Your Accounts Will Stick?

The Auto Account Creator will make your life easier
when creating these accounts.

Watch the video below so you can see for yourself how
powerful is this program and how it can help you
streamline your advertising on Craigslist.

You can always do this manually, but why bother
doing it if this can help you take the guesswork out
of creating Gmail and its corresponding Craigslist

However, there's more to this. You will need a Sprint
Data Card. I believe you can still get the Sierra Wireless
Air Card 595U, like the one I have because you're going
to need it if you want to change your IP Address and
create more than 5 gmail and its associated craigslist
accounts. I pay $59.95 a month. You can also use DSL,
Dial-up, or any other Data Card, but you can't use
your cable modem to do this campaign because IP
addresses are not easily changed, unlike what I've
already mentioned.

It will at least improve your business process much better
by not having to create it manually.

However, that's not all. You will also need the following:

Easy Ad Poster - I currently use the Standard Edition
(costs $97), but boy, every post you do with Craigslist
will require you to enter the CAPTCHA code. (The Deluxe
version is HIGHLY recommended if you want to skip
entering the CAPTCHA code and potentially be able
to run your Craigslist posting system 24/7)

IP Green - disconnects you from the Internet after a
certain number of posts have been made. It will reconnect
you back to the Internet with a new IP address. Craigslist
is known to ghost ads when more than 3 posts were done
using the same IP address. I tested the trial version and it
works great with Easy Ad Poster. One license costs $197,
3 costs $247, and 5 costs $297.

PostMore24 - turns your machine into a 24/7/365 posting
machine. Set up your campaigns, determine where and
when you want to post, do more valuable things like following
up with prospects.

When you have this as part of your Craigslist advertising
arsenal, you'll start seeing those leads come in.

As of April 1, 2008, I have the Sprint Data Card, the Auto
Account Creator, and the Easy Ad Poster Standard Edition.
I'm planning to upgrade to the Easy Ad Poster Deluxe edition
(a pain in the ass to enter those CAPTCHA codes when I
post on Craigslist) and get a 3-user license of IP Green.

Once I have this in my system, I can leave the computer
unattended when I do my posting on Craigslist.

Dominate Craigslist With The Auto Account Creator,
The Easy Ad Creator, and IP Green

If you're launching a campaign to advertise your
products and services on Craigslist, you cannot afford
not to have these as part of your arsenal.

Monday, March 24, 2008

How To Video - Merge Word Documents With Excel CSV Files

Trouble Merging Your Word Documents With Excel CSV Files?
Tired Of Handwriting Your Post Cards?
Want To Improve Your Post Card Marketing System?

Well I encourage you to watch this how-to video about
merging a Word Document with an Excel (csv) file.

This method is intended to improve the process of those who
are using post cards to market their business. It is intended
for those who want to split test to see if the number of responses
will get better. There is no one right way of marketing your
business using post cards nor may be a substitute of how you
conduct your post card marketing.

I don't know if this will work for you they way it does for me or
for others.

However, it might improve your business process if it a great
fit in your system.

Therefore, I would at least watch the 11-minute video and decide
if this fits well in your business or the way you perform your tasks.

I want to watch the video now!

Please support my sponsors and have a great day...

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Are You Posting On Craigslist Regularly?

As you all know, I post a lot of ads on Craigslist for my business and needed to use several email addresses and Craigslist accounts to make sure that those ads will stick. However the bad part is creating email addresses with gmail or yahoo and Craigslist accounts take time. Well with this program called Auto Account Creator, you can create gmail or yahoo and its corresponding Craigslist accounts in a snap. Due to the timing requirements required by Craigslist to make sure that they think I'm not using any automated software, I give it about 8-10 minutes to create the accounts.

However, before you consider purchasing this program, you should already know how to do the following manually:

  • Create a Gmail account manually and make sure it's forwarded to the email address of your choosing.
  • Create a Craigslist account and tie that Gmail email address to your account by verifying that you created that account.
Otherwise, you're not going to have any appreciation on how to harness the power of the Auto Account Creator.

Watch a video below on how you can witness the power of this program:

Now you see how easy that thing works. However, make sure you have the following already in place or you won't be able to get it running:
  • Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or better Installed
  • Microsoft Dot.NET Framework Version 3.5 - the Auto Account Creator program relies on the guts of the dot.NET framework version 3.5 to work, so you need to have this installed or some features won't run.
  • Internet Explorer 7 - For some reason, the Auto Account Creator (AAC) program won't run on IE6. You will wind up with the "Action Canceled" message when you run the AAC program once you click on the "Create Accounts" button. When I upgraded to IE7, it finally worked after going through the hoops.
One other thing though. Be sure to limit the creation of your Gmail/Craigslist accounts to 5 at a time for each IP Address because Craigslist checks for a pattern, like the 1st 3 characters of your gmail accounts or the last 3 or 4 characters or your gmail accounts. If it matches the filters, posting on Craigslist using those accounts will be blocked and your ads won't stick.

Now that I mentioned this term called IP Address, what you need to know is that this is an address assigned by your internet service provider that may be configured automatically by your firewall/router device. This address is logged by Craigslist whenever you visit their site. However, Craigslist lets you post up to a certain amount per 48 hours, like up to 4 per email per IP Address. If you can change the IP Address assigned to your router, you would be able to post an additional 4 ads on Craigslist. However, the changing of the IP Address can only work if you have the following:
  • Dial-Up - A little slow, but every time you disconnect and reconnect, you get a new IP Address assigned to you.
  • DSL - Faster than dial-up, uses the same phone line as your land line, but you may have to manually switch the power of your DSL device, the sure thing to disconnect from the Internet, wait 10 seconds, then turn the power back on. It works the same way as dial-up in terms of disconnecting and reconnecting. You get a new IP address assigned to your computer.
  • Sprint 595U Data Card - I just recently subscribed to this service. Got the datacard for free, plug it in my usb port, install the software on my laptop that comes with it, and I can disconnect and resconnect any time and would get a new IP Address assigned to my computer when I do that. In addition, I can bring my laptop anywhere I want to be. The software works for both the mac os x and the pc.
The use of a permanent connection will not work out because you'll be limited to that same IP address. That doesn't mean you should give up that permanent connection. You can subscribe for an IP Proxy service, but that's gonna be a little bit expensive with minimum monthly starting at $140 for 30 IP addresses. However, with this system, you can really flex your muscles by being able to create at least 100 GMail/Craigslist accounts at one time. If you sign up for 62 IP addresses, then double that power, but you better be a serious Craigslist marketer if you're going to get this.

Now that you read about the ability to automate the task of creating Gmail/Craigslist accounts. On my next blog post, I'll discuss how to automate the posting of your ads on Craigslist using the Easy Ad Poster and IP Green.

Till next time...

If you want to learn more about posting your ads on Craigslist, I recommend you go to Craigslist Masters (not affiliated with Craigslist). Click here if you're one of the frustrated Craigslist posters and want to learn the secrets of dealing with this beast.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My First Take On Magnetic Sponsoring

If Magnetic Sponsoring hasn't worked out well for you, I'm really sorry to hear that. I'm not going to say it's a good or bad product nor defend it either way, but it's still not perfect.

I read the book from cover to cover and have referred back to it when needed without taking any bias on whether or not Mike Dillard has a personal agenda. Would you have ever known what business McDonald's is really in if you haven't bought and read the book? Or what do they promote when you go to Las Vegas.

Magnetic Sponsoring alone is not about getting you to generate business leads for free. It allows you to provide a cover for your purchase leads in the event they say no to your primary business. After all, you buy leads, don't you? Let me ask you this. What happens when you pay $2.00 for a lead and they say no to your business and they don't want to have anything to do with you? What if the lead that you purchased turns out that they want to help people lose weight instead of saving money on dental? There goes your two bucks and there goes your potential friend. Do you believe you'll ever recover that money? Chances are slim and if I'm gonna do a business like that, I'd rather pay my $6 (3 leads) and get me a lengua (tongue) burritto.

Magnetic Sponsoring is not about getting yourself free leads. It's about making a friend, building trust with that friend, and making a potential good quality cold lead into a warm lead that puts their trust in you. It's about providing you with the mindset on how you should you attract potential candidates for your primary business (doesn't matter what business it is).

Now let's see how this thing really works. How about you, what are you really in the business of doing? Are you really selling dental plans when we're all doing front-line recruiting? So what are we really in the business of doing? Look at McDonald's - why are they so successful when in the first place, I can make my own Big Mac and probably do a better job (i also have the ingredients to the secret sauce) such as making it charbroiled instead of fried.

Do you think McDonald's will last long if they decided to be in the hamburger business? How about us lasting longer if we're really into the business of selling dental plans.

You can't expect perfection in anything. That goes for a system that McDonald's, us, and Mike Dillard uses.

Whether I made money on it or not is another matter, but if you ask me how much I made using Magnetic Sponsoring, what I'll tell you would make you kill me (instead of me killing you), so I won't.

Let's just say that I got at least more than twice my money back and have bought a newer edition of it to keep me up-to-date. I may sound like a more-on for doing that, but when I've gotten more than my return-on-investment for purchasing it, I can't say that I got scammed by Mike Dillard if I've used some of that money to buy me a PlayStation 3 and supply me with next month's purchase of leads (yeah, I still buy leads) while my business building continues.

Don't underestimate what Magnetic Sponsoring can do for you. However, it's not going to do the business building for you.

Adios...till next time folks...

Friday, March 14, 2008

How To Market Your Business Effectively Using Post Cards

Are you using the post card method to market your business?

Are you having trouble getting a higher response rate?

Would you like to be able to have a higher closing ratio?

Well you may have to write up a message that will attract them to you.

In my last company, I've used post cards to market my company's products or use it for recruiting those who want to do a home-based business marketing the same products I'm doing.

You will have so much room to put your message in your post card. However, there's one more thing that may attract a higher response rate. You must make sure that the message in the post card follows the format in this order, known as the AIDA format:

A = Attention
I = Interest
D = Desire
A = Action

The message used to get people to respond to her message is:

I want to speak to you about a full-time/part-time income opportunity with my company. Please go to my website or call 805-754-2736 and request an interview.

Where is the attention? Well the message has to be handwritten. Having the message handwritten in its entirety has two advantages. It gets the attention of the reader and it also tells the reader that this message was personally written for that person receiving it. It also gets the person interested in replying to the post card message because of the advantages of having it handwritten.

Putting pictures there also adds a few thousand words as we all know that a picture can speak a thousands of them.

The full-time/part-time income opportunity is the desire part. After all, people could use some extra money if this business is for them. People either respond to either pleasure or pain, but although most respond to pleasure, people will always look for opportunities in getting extra money.

The action part of the messages takes the reader to either go to the website and request an interview or call the number that's on the post card.

Not everyone will respond to the message of the post card, but those that are handwritten or have any pictures in it would get a higher response rate.

One of the home-based business owners in my last company has been able to earn that first pin-level using the post card method exclusively.

If there's one thing that this person does, it's consistency. However, she's got a system going for her and it's worked well.

When one of the recipients of her post card fills out a form in her capture page, she gets an email about it and gives the prospect up to 48 hours before she calls them.

Of those she calls and unable to reach or not ready, she activates an autoresponder system where those people would get an email from her.

The ones she was able to reach, she makes sure the prospects look over the information before she speaks to them. If they haven't, she reschedules an appointment.

Trial and error has made her system work well for her.

However, one thing you must absolutely do. Make sure that the message looks like it's handwritten. You get a better response rate when you hand write those postcards.

Till next time...

Mac OS X on a Dell Inspiron 1100

This was originally written by me on January 2007 and the source is

Has anyone every tried to run a Mac OS X on a regular PC like a Dell Inspiron 1100 laptop?

Just to make a long story short, I got this thing working. A Mac OS X (the Tiger version 10.4.5) on a Dell Inspiron 1100 notebook. All the drivers worked out for me, the video, sound, monitor resolution at 1024x768 (the best an Inspiron 1100 can do).

However, you need to get the usb 2.0 wireless adapter and the only one I got to work is the AeroLite 802.11g USB 2.0 adapter. It's both PC and Mac OS X compatible and you can get it from Fry's Electronics for $59.99. But I found something much better for the wireless support and it works on all Windows XP, Vista, Ubuntu 6.x, and the Mac OS X (Tiger). It's the Netgear 511GT and it's the PCMCIA version. For whatever reason, it's recognized as an Airport Card (that's what's used and supported by Apple for wireless).
It's been more than a year now and this thing is still running on the laptop. It stills shuts down in a snap unlike its Ubuntu Linux and Windows counterparts.

I just got hook with this thing last year and I'm still hooked with it. Soon I'll be buying either a Mac Mini (the $799 version) or a Powerbook, but will make sure I can get the new operating system on it. Will I do away with Ubuntu? Probably NOT. However, I can do a lot with the Dell-Mac OS if I want to. I got MS Office 2004 working on this machine, but can't play the EA's Madden 200x nor NHL 200x. I'm still stuck with that on the PC.

However, because these new Macs run on Intel Core 2 Due processors, the same processors that power up those PCs that you use, you should be able to run Windows XP or even Windows Vista, but why would you do that if you're running the more-stable Mac OS X? That's because you may still have some applications that are dependent on Windows.

For those of you Internet Explorer die hards that need it, your best bet is to download Codeweavers Crossover Office ( and the version as of this writing for the Mac is equivalent to the Linux version 5.0.3, but there is a beta version already out, so you can try it out and also install Internet Explorer 6.0.
Or you can use it on your new Mac running the Windows Operating System. I personally prefer to use Firefox because of the use of Tabs.

Now going back to my Mac-In-Dell, let me say this...the interface is just as identical to the Mac OS X itself. It's pretty nice. What sucks is that you need to learn that the Ctrl key is equivalent to the MS Windows key in the new PC keyboard. For example, Ctrl+X will cut the highlighted text in Windows, but in the Mac, you use the Window+X to do the same job.

The drawback is applications that are compiled in the PowerPC-based Macs like Office 2004 will run reeeeaaallll slow. It really crawls. I recommend you run an office suite that is MacIntel (Macs with Intel processors) specific.

However, it's been fun playing with it. I had to go back to the Windows XP operating system because some applications I needed to gas up my business can only run on Windows and it's reliable enough for me.

Well that's all I have to say.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Are You Getting A Disk Boot Failure On Windows XP?

Are you getting something like this message when you boot up your computer in Windows XP:

"DISK BOOT FAILURE" or a similar message and ask you to put a bootable disk.

Aside from doing home business, one of the things I excel is in the field of computers. My college education is based on the use of computers in business, but we'll be discussing the hardware side. Provided that you have the right equipment to resolve this type of problem, you should be able to resolve an issue like the "Disk Boot Failure".

Well three times on three separate occassions, I was getting this message on one of my Windows XP machines.

I fiddled around with it a few times but to no luck.

Then what I did was put in the Windows XP CD with SP2 on the CD-ROM drive and boot it up and used the Recovery Console.

In the recovery console, I performed the following tasks:

  • Make sure that I boot up to C:\WINDOWS and entered the Administrator account password.
  • Assuming that my CD-ROM drive is D:, I did the following commands and I'm on the root directory of my C drive, e.g. "C:\", I performed the following commands
    • copy d:\i386\ (then hit enter)
    • copy d:\i386\ntldr (then hit enter)
    • attrib +R+S+H (then hit enter)
    • attrib +R+S+H ntldr (then hit enter)
    • exit (then hit enter)
  • Once you hit "exit", your computer should reboot and you'll see the Windows XP Logo as you boot up your computer.
Disclaimer: The above are my suggestions. I don't know how will it work for you, but it worked for me. It may or may not work out for you. You should always have a backup image of your system if you ever have to fall back.

Take Good Care In Choosing The Right Person When Recruiting

I want to tell you about my dealings with this person named Ms. Q.

Ms. Q. has several kids and is also giving a good effort in this business and that's a more challenging task. However, if you become friends and wish to keep in contact with her, limit it to no more than email and give her 48-72 hours to reply. Or if it's something that anyone in your team can use, and it's not personal, then put it in the team bulletin board.

After my short dealings with her, I found out the hard way that I'm glad we're going separate ways. The lessons I learned are when I prospect to someone like her, I'll remember to let them know that I'm looking for someone who is serious and will do the business no matter what it takes.

If they feel that they're getting intruded in their personal lives, or they feel that they won't be able to put in the 10-15 hours that it takes to do the business, I suggest you immediately disqualify them and say No first. There's little reason for you to be dealing with a prospect who's not serious about the business.

Make sure that when you successfully signed up people who have a genuine interest in a home-based business and who will do this business no matter what it takes, be sure to invest in them. It is in both your best interests and those of the people in your team to help them in their business, teach them to recruit like aces, and become leaders.

Otherwise, you're going to have some conflict with them and you're going to wind up having to replace that person.

So if you're not sure about that person, don't bring them to the business. As Dani Johnson said, you're going to drag them wherever you go if you bring in an unsure person.

When you hit that recruiting trail, deal with prospects with a positive life force. If they're too abrasive, or they yell at you and say "What is this about (with an unpleasant tone)?" then just get out of the conversation. You don't need people like that in your team. What you want are people who are willing to make your investment in them worth it. That is, you willing to help them and them willing to do their part, no matter what it takes for them to get to their next goal.

Well I've said enough.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Using EZines To Get Your Site Plenty Of Traffic And Possibly Leads

Although I'm not that great of a writer, one thing I'm aware of is making sure that when I write something, it will keep the reader interested, it transitions smoothly from one topic to the next, and there will be value for the reader to read it.

How about this new deal called Ezines. I first heard about Ezines last year, but for whatever reason, it was just another article that's on the web. So you're probably going to wonder, why would you write one up? Who cares about this thing?

I'm sure you've heard about networking with your peers. Remember when you're in high school or college, you network with other people by joining clubs, social gatherings, or even by being in the classroom. You connect with these people because you and that network of people have something in common.

However, your association with them may not last because you all be moving on with other things. When I was working on my bachelors and my two masters, I built a pretty good network of people who share the same ideas as I do. When I left school, most of them have moved on or some who I met have different interests.

I believe it's not a bad idea to keep networking with others with similar interests. That's when I got the idea of ezines from several networkers. Although I may not get traffic from the general public about my interests (why should I?). I just want to get traffic from a certain audience. You know, someone who wears a pair of size 11 wide Crocs, my favorite pairs of sandals (i'm already on my 2nd black pair--in fact, my daughter katherine is on her 2nd pink pair or Crocs).

If you're willing to write and advertise your skillset out there on the Internet, ezines may be your ticket. Ezine websites are indexed by search engines and depending on what keyword you optimize it for, someone may just find you.

For the last two years, I've been involved in designing websites, but for one main drive traffic to it. However, promoting it will take much work and in time, traffic will grow. With the website, which I own, it wasn't even ranked in alexa last year, but now it somewhere around 2.8 million. My goal for the end of the year is to get it down below 2 million, but there's a lot of work cut out for me. Perhaps, I would need to start writing ezines about the dental programs that I offer at

Before go off a tangent, I want to get back to the deal with ezines. Make sure you have something to write about and when you write it up, follow the AIDA format. That means...

A - Attention - Depending on what they read on the headline will determine if the article will be read.

I - Interest - be sure to address what's in it for them. If you don't address this, they'll just click the "back" button on their browser.

D - Desire - put the features on the topics that your article offers. Highlight 4-7 important bullets in this area.

A - Action - Make sure there's a link that allows them to take action, such as your product website or the website you want them to go to to fill out some form or whatever.

Well if you keep your ezine in this format, you may have little trouble addressing what you want to convey to your readers.

So for those of you businesspeople wanting to promote their product, their service, what they do well in, find other people who share the same views as you through a website, don't take ezines lightly. Although there are other options to increase traffic to your website, ezines are one of the ways you can get more visitors to your website. However, the way you write your content will have an impact on whether your visitors come back.

If you want to successfully generate traffic to your website, implement ezines. Don't forget to make that effort in being a good writer. It carries a lot of weight with your readers.


P.S. Here are my recommended resources if you want to drive traffic to your website and you're on a limited budget. The subject of ezines is also discussed in these resources.

Magnetic Sponsoring - by Mike Dillard - learn how to use the skills that made Mike a millionaire
Building On A Budget - by Mike Dillard - learn how you can advertise your business on a limited budget. Ezines and press releases are also mentioned in this course.
Attraction Marketing Formula - by Ferny Ceballos - Learn the secrets of Google AdWords, capture pages, ezines, press releases, craigslist, ebay advertising, and more. Learn it in detail.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Building On A Budget - Another Mike Dillard Classic Must Grab -

Press Release - Building On A Budget - Another Mike Dillard Classic Must Grab

" Mike Dillard, Author of Magnetic Sponsoring, expert internet marketer and copywriter, teaches five best ways that generate free good quality leads for your business on a budget. "

by Sidney Juachon


Just started out their own business? Next step is to find a way to make that business be known on the internet.

Thanks to Mike Dillard and company, Building On A Budget is conceived. This book is intended to help someone starting out their business while being on a very limited monetary budget (not to exceed $500 a month).

However, other resources like time, will, determination, and the energy to do the work must be available.

Those who belong in this category will learn how to generate free traffic to their website and thus get free leads through the following topics by the time they completed this book:

How to turn your traffic into live exclusive leads...even on a budget.

Craigslist - Very popular online classifieds site gets 6 billion visits a month and your ad gets visited.

Videos and You Tube - Your videos on YouTube, the 2nd most visited website in the world (behind will get your business a lot of exposure.

Press Releases and Ezines - popular media where your business can get real strong exposure. Get a few more articles and you may be dubbed by many as an expert.

Blogs - Why setting one up can get you web traffic leading to qualified prospects within 24 to 72 hours.

Funded Proposals - Why let your leads go down the drain when a prospect may say no to your business. Instead help them make sure that when they start their own home-based business, they either get Building On A Budget or Magnetic Sponsoring before they decide on an opportunity. At least they didn't have to hear you say "I told you so!" and instead they say "I read it so!".

I just read through this whole book and it's well written with simple to follow instructions. Although I already know how some of the topics in this book are processed, I learned some new ways on how to drive more traffic to my websites.

For those of you who needs a way to build your business on a limited budget, this is the book you want to get and I encourage you to get it.

For more information about Building On A Budget, you can go to and see the details of this Mike Dillard classic.

You cannot afford not to have this book. Highly recommended.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Recruiting Through Craigslist

If you're recruiting people to join your downline on craigslist, don't be surprised if your ad doesn't show up. if it did, don't be surprised if it got flagged and deleted. That's because the jobs section is meant for those who are seeking to work for someone else, like a 9-6 job where they commute 2 hours every day back and forth, back and forth, and you know how that goes.

My suggestion is set up an account with craigslist, using an gmail account. However, make sure you have one account per day, so for example if you're going to post on Monday, you set up an account for Monday, like and userid with a Monday on it. Using that account, post your ads on the small biz section. optimize it for a keyword, like "work at home mom" or something like that. Put it in a city like Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, or New York City, where the ads expire in seven days. Withing 24-48 hours, Google reindexes its search ending and gives time sensitive ads, like craigslist ads a higher ranking. When that ad expires, log back to the account, repost it and the ad will continue to show.

As long as you're consistent, you'll never know what will turn up.

I won't guarantee conversions to signups right away, but if someone Googles "work at home mom", your ad may come up.

Continue your recruiting on the jobs section and the IP address of your computer may be logged and banned by Craigslist.


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Using Craigslist To Get A High Google Ranking

I want to share what I've been doing lately using a slick method in marketing the services I offer, but this should work with any product you're marketing.

In the industry I'm working with, the region I market the services I offer has an impact in whether your customer will buy your services or keep them or not.

This is a technique that you cannot afford not to know because no one will buy your service if a provider or support for that service does not live in your local area. It doesn't matter what you're marketing, whether it's weight loss management, computer services, or discounted services.

This is a new technique I learned from people who authored this course and you can find it on the link at the bottom of this page. Before I started using this technique to market my service with Google AdWords, I used to hit one particular keyword and had it set 50 cents a click. However that keyword is almost impossible to get a #1 ranking unless you pay $5 to $10 per click. Well nobody has that kind of money to spend and I admit that I don't want to spend that amount. Even at 50 cents, my Google AdWords bill is at $150 a month and that can really wipe up your bank account. In addition, the impressions I'm getting is too high and it has an impact on your click through rate, thus keeping your AdWords pay per click high.

  • Impressions - that's the number of times your AdWords ad appears
  • Click Through Rate (CTR) number of clicks in your Adwords Ad divided by the number of impressions.
Well if you're not getting the return that you wanted with your AdWords campaign paying $150 a month, it won't be acceptable for any home-based business owner, unless that campaign is producing much more sales than what you paid for.

Well how are you going to be able to get your business to be building on a budget? You only have $50 to spend per month advertising your business and you want to make sure your campaign is more effective.

How do you do it? First of all, you need to understand that people who search on Google or Yahoo are interested on the search results - the left side of the results, instead of the sponsored links. That would be a challenging task, isn't it? Well here's what I did.

  • I created a web page about the service I sell. For example let's say I sell jolly jumpers services. I want to limit my area to the Los Angeles area. I use "jolly jumpers los angeles" (or you can use "jolly jumpers in LA") as the keyword and I made sure that the landing page has the keyword "jolly jumpers los angeles" in the content.
  • I also made sure that I put "Jolly Jumpers Los Angeles" between the title tags of my web page - your html file.
  • In addition, I also put inside the meta tags the description of the page such as "Jolly Jumpers Los Angeles" (but rewrite it so that it makes sense to the audience).
  • For the keywords in the meta tags, I put "Jolly Jumpers Los Angeles" or "Jolly Jumpers in LA"
  • Saved the html file as jolly-jumpers-los-angeles.html
  • Then I place an ad on Craigs List and put it in the Los Angeles section, under Community then General. My content would look something like this: Need To Spice Up Your Kid's Birthday Party? Try out our Jolly Jumpers. We have various designs like Spiderman, Barbie, Hannah Montana, or your favorite sports team.
  • Then in the bottom of your page, you put a link to your jolly jumpers website and anchor it with the keyword Jolly Jumpers Los Angeles - Click here for more information.
  • Now you setup a Google AdWords ad that says on the headline "Jolly Jumpers Los Angeles" then you put the information about your jolly jumpers service. There are two urls you fill in. On the display, you can put your domain name then right after that, you put jolly-jumpers-los-angeles.
  • For keywords, I used both phrase and exact match, which both contain "jolly jumpers los angeles" and [jolly jumpers los angeles].
  • Then on the actual URL, you put the exact link to that page.
I did something similar to this for a service I offer and my craigslist ad was on the second page of the Google rankings. In addition, my AdWords ad was on the second page as well. By the way, I set the AdWords ad at 5 cents per click.

If you need some more information, I encourage you to look at two items because they helped me get a higher ranking on my websites, my craigslist ad, and my Google Adwords ad. These are Building On A Budget by Mike Dillard and the Attraction Marketing Formula by Ferny Ceballos and Robert Fong. If they worked for me, it may work for you.

Till next time...

Sidney Juachon