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Friday, March 27, 2009

Eliminate The Guess Work In Marketing Via Twitter

Marketing on the Internet is not just a trend. It's a way of life for those who want to work a business from home. It doesn't matter whether you're working with a network marketing company, promoting your own products, or trading your expertise for a negotiable asset.

There are several ways you can promote your products, whether you purchase leads, advertise online or offline with classified ads, word of mouth marketing through referrals, getting on search engines, or pay per click. However, those cost a substantial amount of money to implement and most of us who are just getting started have little or no budgets to spare.

Nowadays, one method of promoting your product that's starting to take off is the use of social networking. Sites like Facebook, MySpace, and Twitter are among the most popular. Every popular figure has their own account in at least these three sites. I won't give out names because if you know any of them, I bet you they most likely have one already floating around these sites.

Let's assume you already know the process in advertising online/offline and how your system explains the business to the prospect.

In social networking you want to keep your friend interested in following your updates. There's little or no difference between knowing your friend offline and knowing them online. However, it takes a little longer to build trust when you have an online friend that follows your updates because they've never met you face-to-face.

Now how about using Twitter to promote your business? I assume that you already know the process of setting up a Twitter account. In my opinion, it's the shorter version of using Facebook or MySpace to follow your updates. But here's what you must do to make Twitter work for you.

  • Determine what you need to market.
  • I assume you already have an account. However, you need to set up another account that is related to what you're promoting. If you're promoting weight loss products and coaching services, you may want to have the keyword weight loss in the user name.
  • Do a search on your keyword. From the results, you'll find Twitter profiles who are related to your keyword.
  • Go to their profile and then check out who they follow.
  • Make sure you follow those who are from your niche.
The next thing you want to do is put updates on your new Twitter account.

In advertising your business online or offline, you can put as many words as you like to determine what your ad is going to say. It can be in a blog, a Craigslist or Backpage ad, eBay, or a website.

However, in Twitter, you're limited to 140 characters. Now how can you get your message across with only 140 characters? I know you're used to the You simply announce your article or video post on Twitter and attach the link. Let the article or video that you put together which is providing value take care of it from there and be sure to explain how will they take action.

This is how far I'll take it since you got the idea. If you are serious about Marketing Via Twitter, I urge you to check out the link below. You don't have to, but it will enhance your Twittering experience.

The link below will give you directions on how to make this work for you. Just click here to visit the site and the authors explain why the way they do it will make your life better. Mine is getting better little by little.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Impact Of Twitter On Promoting Your Business

I just recently started using Twitter and at first, I had no clue on what the impact it has until I started researching it and the power it has in promoting your business.

Twitter is a Web 2.0 application that has become popular among web surfers. Several internet marketers have began to make use of this with drastic results and some were able to get boatloads of prospective leads to their business and were able to monetize those leads.

However, there are some other reasons for using Twitter other than promoting.

  • Build relationships with those you follow and those following you.
  • Self branding for the purpose of gaining popularity. This popularity is based on being able to exchange their talents. You can call this attraction marketing.
  • Keep their friends updated on what's up with them lately, whether they do it through the use of their computer or mobile devices, such as their iPhones.
  • Use it as an alternative to promoting their business through the use of pay-per-click, purchase leads, advertise on newspapers or online classified ads.
You can call this passive advertising. It's against the grain to directly promote your business because nowadays, it seems to be more repulsive for prospects. We all heard that no one wants to be sold. People will consider your business when they're ready to do it to make their life better, regardless on whether they sign up to market the products or services, or just be a regular customer.

Don't forget that networking should be your primary vehicle for marketing. This is recommended by Tim Sales, a strong advocate of networking marketing, a multi-millionaire network marketer, and owner of who promotes network marketing courses and tools. Be sure to maintain your relationship with the person you're networking with because that person may be able to refer customers or other people to you to build relationships with. You never know when that relationship you built will become your customer or business partner, so don't burn your bridges with them by terminating the relationship because they said no to your product or your opportunity.

Be sure you sign up for all the Web 2.0 sites such as Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Friendster, YouTube, and whatever else is out there. This is the best way to build your marketing funnel. One friend you make through any of these sites can lead to multiple referrals who may be interested in what you have to offer.

Another major tool, which I use that you should start using is called because this tool will allow you to update your status (not limited to) Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Friendster, and LinkLn.

Although I mentioned these other Web 2.0 sites, Twitter is the simplest to use. However, be sure you diversify your involvement with these other sites because by knowing them through association, you also add more friends to your funnel through the other sites.

Another site you want to consider using is through because according to this site, you can get up to 15,625 following you in 30 days if you can get the others to sign up for this free service. However, you want to make sure that those who follow you are people whom you are associated with, whether you belong to the work-at-home club, stay-at-home parents club, an iPhone user, a Mac user, a Dallas Cowboy fan, or someone who has diabetes club. You want to make sure what you're doing with Twitter (along with the other Web 2.0 sites) is legitimate.

Let me make a long story short. When you use Twitter, you should make the most out of it. Yes, you should do it to help make someone's life better. When you do that, you become an expert and when that happens, you become magnetically attractive because of your ability to solve their problem or make their life better.

So start Twittering and help make other people's lives better and be a solution to their problems. You can follow me on twitter by going to and check my status updates or see what I've been up to.