If you're associated with a network marketing/MLM company, you must be familiar with the word "upline". Basically an upline means that someone was involved in getting you enrolled into the program. For example, Sue enrolled you, Jane enrolled Sue, and Vivian enrolled Jane. It goes on and on until it gets to the final link of the chain.
In this type of business, your upline is supposed to be your source of support. However, there may be someone in the uplink chain who is knowledgeable with the company and how to run your business, so you probably go to them for support.
Unfortunately, not all of them may give you the proper guidance. What works in New York doesn't necessarily work in Texas. They might tell you that our stuff sells fast in New York but not necessarily in one place.
There may be a time that they will tell you to make a list of friends and relatives. In most companies, it's still practiced by networkers today. There's nothing wrong with doing that, but I believe that you should also attract the right audience. Will you try to force country music on a crowd that likes to listen to disco music? I don't think you would.
Just because everyone is a potential prospect doesn't mean they're among the audience who you should market to. If you holler "I FOUND A SIZE 7 SHOE!", would you reply if you wear a size 10 shoe?
Here's another one. Don't buy into the phrase "We'll do the business for you..." because in reality, you have to do the business yourself.
To make a long story short, download the free ebook called "The 7 Great Lies Of Network Marketing" by Ann Sieg (click here) and learn whether you should buy what your uplines are telling you. In the author's opinion based on her experiences, she believed that there were 7 lies that your upline was telling you and this was the reason why 97 percent of those who started a network marketing business don't make it.
So to make sure you're steering your network marketing business in the right direction, make sure you download (click here) the free ebook. You have nothing to lose.
Be sure you distribute this free ebook to your business partners so that you can hold each other accountable. A successful team holds its members accountable in giving the proper guidance to their team members.
Good luck in your network marketing business and have a blessed day.
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