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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Web 2.0 Marketing On Facebook, Myspace, & Others

If you're in myspace, look me up.

Don't forget to talk about your product on Facebook, MySpace, or Friendster. Whenever you add something on your profiles on these sites, all of your friends learn about it. This is a good way to build your business, especially when you're working on a relationship-based business. That's Web 2.0 marketing for you.

What do you do in Web 2.0? Here's my take in it; You do blogging, social networking sites like this Facebook, MySpace, and Friendster, online classified ads sites like Craigslist, press releases, directories like and, online forums, and auction sites like eBay.

Articles that you wrote on these mediums wind up on the online search engines (in a few days) and they get priority in search engine ranking but that depends on what keyword did you optimize it for.

If you put a link on your website which has a landing page for a product or service you're promoting, you can get some free leads and fill up your list. Every internet marketer is saying that the money is in the list.

Is there another alternative in promoting your products or services besides Web 2.0? Yes there is. One you simply purchased leads while the probably know by now, so I won't tell you since I'll be repeating it myself.

If you're looking to wonder what Web 2.0 is, there are several resources out there, but if you preferred to eliminate the guesswork, you can message me and we'll discuss it if it's for you.

This article is also on and my Facebook profile

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