Need To Protect Yourself From A Hard Drive Crash?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Is Your Computer Getting Slower Since You Bought It?

Read This Before You Decide On Giving Up On Your PC!!!

Do You Have A Slow Windows PC?
Considering Retiring It After Having It For A Year?
Hassled By Replacing Your PC Because You
Have Data In It That You Can't Afford To Lose?

I've been working with computers since 1992 and in my experience, I've
always noticed that after having installed several programs throughout
the life of that PC, this is what I've been noticing...

  • Slow PC Performance
  • Computer Frozen
  • System Crashes
  • Windows Errors
  • Hardware Malfunctions
  • Slow Internet Speeds
  • DLL Errors
  • General Protection Fault
  • System32 Errors
  • Windows Explorer Errors
  • Access Violations
  • Runtime Errors
If you get any of these errors, it can be annoying if they pop up on your screen. Chances are, your application may run slow, take some time to load up, or you wind up with a configuration error. Why? Because you may have a registry that still has applications or library files that are still loading up into your computer's memory although you no longer have the actual program that needs it in your system. As a result, it slows down your system because every time you run a program in your computer, it will still scan your entire registry to see if your program has the required entries.

A large registry file delays the loading of your program. It doesn't matter if you're using the entries associated with the registry or not.

There are two ways to fix this. You can do it the easy way (click on the link) or the hard way. The hard way is not meant for the novices to do, that is run the REGEDIT.EXE program. Try doing that and you'll be doing some hunting blindfolded if you don't know what you're doing. Even those who know how to do some editing on the registry (like me) will take time to fix the offending error (that's if I'm able to locate it). The easy way is to use a registry cleaner. A registry cleaner has the following features that might help you safely fix your problem:

  • Remove the associated errors above
  • Make a backup of your current registry before the scan
  • Restore your old registry if you're not satisfied with the scan
  • Manage your Windows Startup
  • Works with both Windows XP and Windows Vista
  • Schedule your scan at a desired time.
  • Free Scanning Tool
However, there are a lot of registry cleaners out there and you're wondering which one will is best for you. Well I have to admit that nothing is perfect out there. If you need to know which one works best, here's what I did.

We have researched 11 registry cleaners. Of the 11, three of them scored higher in our criteria. The top three picks have sustained excellent track records, are simple to use, and offers the best & most comprehensive scans for your PC. (more info here...)

If you're in the market of getting your Windows PC resolved, my advice is before you go see a computer technician and pay $75 per hour for it, my suggestion is reconsider until you try out the free scanning tool made available by each of the three programs and see for yourself.

For more information about getting the free scanner, you may click here.

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